• Marzo TO,《无题(4)》,未注明日期
  • Marzo TO,《无题(4)》,未注明日期

    Marzo TO,《无题(4)》,未注明日期

    正常价格 $500.00

    78.5 x 56 厘米(可见)、83 x 60 x 3.5 厘米(带框)


    Marzo 梦境中的明亮场景。这位艺术家来自香港,我收藏他的作品是因为它们会让你多看几眼。这件作品也与他的金色焦油作品形成了鲜明的对比。



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    • Online purchases will incur a 4% transaction fee. To purchase online, add to cart and check out.
    • Manual payments (PayNow or direct bank transfer) will not incur a fee. To purchase manually, inquire about the artwork.
    • For purchases requiring shipping outside Singapore, please inquire about the artwork first.