About page: A space on the website where you can find information about Art Again and answers to questions about Art Again
Art / artwork: Items offered for sale on our online marketplace or submitted to Art Again but not currently displayed online. These items include paintings, drawings, prints, photography, sculpture, mixed media, and many others.
Artwork description: The description of an artwork as provided by our sellers and displayed on the artwork page.
Artwork page: The page on our website which displays the artwork for sale. This page includes the artwork description, photos, sometimes videos, other important info, and a link to inquire about the artwork.
As described: An artwork matches the description, details, photos, documents, and other materials the seller shared.
Buyer: A person who has bought an artwork on our online marketplace.
Contract of Sale: The contract a buyer and seller enter into when an offer to buy is accepted. The contract of sale determines the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers.
Default: When someone doesn’t fulfil their obligations under the contract of sale or violates our Terms of Use, they are in default. This can have a number of consequences, including us or the other party claiming damages from the defaulting party. Sometimes a notice of default is required before someone can be classified as in default.
Experts: In-house experts who review the artworks you see on Art Again.
Intellectual property rights: Intellectual property rights are rights such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and database rights. They cover texts, images, design, photos, videos, software, audiovisual material, and more. Intellectual property rights can belong to us, you, or third parties.
Marketplace / online marketplace: Art Again’s website includes an online marketplace where sellers can sell their pre-owned artworks and where buyers can inquire and purchase these artworks.
Notice of default: A message in writing a user or Art Again can share to inform another user that they are (at risk of being) in default. This message will sometimes include a reasonable deadline for the user to fulfil their obligations. If they don’t meet this deadline, they’re in default.
Onboard / onboarding process: When a seller submits an artwork to us to be listed on our marketplace, it will be reviewed by our experts. If the experts approve of listing the artwork on our marketplace, the seller will undergo an onboarding process which involves a member from our team meeting with the seller, photographing their artwork, and collating documents and information provided by the seller.
Onboarding form: After the onboarding process, all sellers are given a form detailing their artwork listings, including, among other things, their images, descriptions, and listing prices. Sellers are required to complete the form and verify the contents of the form in writing or with a signature.
Order: An artwork or a group of artworks that have been paid for.
Personal data: Any info that can be used to identify an individual directly or indirectly. This includes name, email address, postal address, user ID, and cookies.
Policies: Additional terms and rules that help keep our marketplace safe. Our policies are part of our Terms of Use and all users need to abide by them.
Purchase price: The amount an artwork sells for, excluding extra costs like shipping or import fees.
Seller: A person who uses our online marketplace to submit or sell artworks.
Seller fee: A fee deducted from the payment sellers receive after the sale of their artwork. The (standard) fee is 15% of the purchase price, excluding GST (if applicable).
Services: The services we or our third-party service providers offer. This includes access to our website and any functionalities and ancillary services associated with using our website.
Terms (of Use): The terms and rules that govern your use of our website, including our marketplace.
Third Party Service Providers: Other companies not affiliated to Art Again that offer additional services. For example we sometimes recommend shipping companies to you.
Tracking delivery confirmation: The tracking confirmation a shipping company gives when a particular package successfully arrives at its destination.
Underlying Systems: means any network, system, software, data or material that underlies or is connected to the Website.
User: Any person using our website and the online marketplace. This includes visitors, buyers, and sellers.
User material: Materials users provide when using our services or online marketplace. This includes descriptions of artworks, photographs, videos, audiovisual material, certifications of authenticity, reports, specifications, opinions, and messages.
Website: Art Again’s website, including the online marketplace and any subpages and subdomains of the website.